User preferences
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 3 minutes to read

User preferences

Article summary

The preferences page provides access to various settings and rules specific to a user. It can be accessed directly from the User menu within the main menu area.

Site Administrators can also access the preferences of another user from a link on their Profile page.

The sections and information displayed is dependent on your permissions within the system as well as whether functionality (such as Notes and Messaging) has been turned on at the site level. 

User account

Links here allow you to edit your profile information and change your password, set your preferred language (if allowed), specify how you wish to receive forum messages and other notifications, and choose a text editor (if allowed). 

Edit profile

You can edit your account and profile information, including updating your password and uploading a user picture from this link (see User profile for more information).

Change passwordWhere allowed, you can reset your password from the Change password link (all passwords must adhere to the password policy as set by the Site Administrator)
Preferred languageNote that specifying a preferred language here will only affect the Totara navigation and contextual help and not any course content
Forum preferencesAllows you to set your forum preferences, including digest types (see Forum activity for more information)
Editor preferencesAllows you to select your default editor from those available on the site.
CalendarYou can edit some of your personal display preferences for the calendar, including time format (12 or 24 hour clock), when the first day of the week is, and how many upcoming events to display.
Security keysIf a Site Administrator has enabled RSS feeds then it is possible to generate and reset a security key for use with external services. Site Administrators can also generate security keys for you. Please see What are web services? for more information.
Message preferencesAllows you to set your own preferences on how to receive personal messages from others on the site. 
Notification preferencesAllows you to configure how you want to receive notifications for different events within the site. 
Administration navigation settingsAllows you to configure how the quick-access menu will appear for you.


Here you can manage and download your badges, set privacy levels and connect to your backpack. See the What are open badges? page for more information on using and managing badges, as well as connecting to external providers.

Manage badgesAll badges earned within the site by completing courses, course activities and other requirements can be managed within this area including whether the badges are displayed to all users or are private within the your profile page.
Badge preferencesAllows you to specify the default visibility of newly earned badges.
Backpack settingsAllows you to set up a connection to an external backpack provider.


Your roles and permissions may be viewed and updated here by a Site Administrator and roles assigned to your account (user context). You will not see this yourself, unless you are a Site Administrator. If you are a Site Administrator, please see the What are roles? pages for more information on roles, contexts, permissions, and capabilities. 

This user's role assignmentsDisplays your permissions at the various contexts where applied (system, front page, program, category, course, activity/resource, block, and/or user).
Assign roles relative to this userAssign a role at this user's context from the list available.
Show which capabilities the various user roles have at this user's context.
Check permissions
Check the capabilities specific users hold within this user's context.


Where portfolios have been enabled and configured, their visibility can be set here on an individual basis.


If repositories are enabled on the site then there will be a link here to Manage instances. See Enable repositories for more information. 


If blogs or RSS feeds have been enabled then their preferences can be configured here, and external blogs can be registered. 

Blog preferences
You can specify the number of blog entries which will be displayed per page.
External blogs
You can register an external blog so that it displays within this area.
Register an external blog
When registering an external blog you may set the name, RSS feed URL, a description, and tags.


What displays here depends on the permissions and roles you have and the functionality enabled within the site. For example, if event monitoring is enabled on the site, a link will be available in this section.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.