Using the workshop activity
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 5 minutes to read

Using the workshop activity

Article summary

When using the workshop you will need to understand how the different parts work, such as how to move between phases, how to action tasks, and how to grade work.


The workshop is broken into phases (as outlined below). These help to walk you through the assessment process from start to finish, and include a checklist of tasks to be completed before moving onto the next phase. You can move phases without completing all of the tasks, but this may cause problems further down the line. To action a task, simply click on it and you will be taken to the screen required to complete that task.

Summary of the setup phase.

If you did not set up automatic phase changing in the settings and wish to do this manually then you can do so by clicking on the light bulb icon () alongside the desired phase to move to that phase. You can skip phases but this is not recommended as you might miss out on doing something. It is also possible to go back to a previous phase, although again, this can have consequences.


Setup phase 

This initial phase lets you complete any initial setup stages, including checking you have provided instructions to learners on how the process works and guidance on what is expected of them. It is also helpful to provide an assessment form to guide learners when they are grading others' work.

  • Set the workshop description
  • Provide instructions for submission
  • Edit assessment form
  • Prepare example submissions
  • Switch to the next phase

Submission phase

In this phase learners can submit their work. It is also the time in which you can allocate work for the peer assessment phase. It might be easiest to wait until all submissions have been received before allocating them for assessment.

  • Provide instructions for assessment
  • Allocate submissions (this will lists the number of expected, submitted, and to allocate submissions)

Assessment phase

During this phase learners get to assess the work of one or more of their fellow learners (depending on your settings).

  • Switch to the next phase

Grading and evaluation phase

The grading and evaluation phase gives the Trainer a chance to set the level of Comparison of assessment. This setting specifies how strict the comparison of assessments should be. The stricter the comparison, the more similar the assessments need to be in order for a high grade to be obtained.

  • Calculate submission grades (this will list numbers of expected and calculated grades)
  • Calculate assessment grades (this will list numbers of expected and calculated grades)
  • Provide a conclusion of the activity


This is the final stage and signifies the workshop being closed. After this no more submissions or assessments are allowed and all grades released. 

There are no tasks associated with this phase as at this stage the workshop is simply closed.

Assessment form 

During the Setup phase it is important to complete the assessment form otherwise learners will have difficulties when trying to assess work as there will be no place for them to make comment or allocate grades. Which options are available to be configured will depend on the Grading strategy you choose in the settings. 

  • Accumulative grading: The assessment form allows you to outline a number of aspects which the submission should be graded on, you can specify a maximum grade for each section, a grading method (point, scale, or none), and give that aspect a weighting (how much of the overall grade it will make up).
  • Comments: The assessment form allows you to outline a number of aspects which the submission should be graded on.
  • Number of errors: Allows you to outline a number of assertions with a designed word for successfully meeting the assertion and one for failing to meet it (by default this is Yes for success and No for error). You can also set a weighting for each assertion (how much of the overall grade it will make up). 
  • Rubric: You can set out a number of criteria with different levels. So for example criteria one might be, 'Demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic'. This might then have four grade levels as followings; Level 1: Does not show any understanding of the topic. Level 2: Shows a basic understanding of the topic. Level 3: Shows a good understanding of the topic but fails to demonstrate an ability for practical application. Level 4: Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic in both a theoretical and practical context. 

Allocating submissions

There are three mode for allocating learners work for assessment:

  • Manual: You can manually choose who will review whose work. 
  • Random: You can configure settings so that the system can randomly allocate assessments. Settings include the number of reviews (how many submission each person is allocated to review) and whether learners can assess work without having made a submission. Allocation will take place immediately. 
  • Scheduled: Allows you to configure the same settings as for Random but allocation take places at the end of the submission period (after the submission deadline). 

Assessing submissions

How you assess the work will depend on your role in the course (as both Trainers and learners can assess the work, although Trainers will not be allocated the specific submissions in the same way learners are).

  • Trainer: As a Trainer, once the workshop is in assessment phase, click the link to the learner's submission (the title of their submission) then click the Assess button. You'll be able to complete all of the required assessment as laid out via the assessment form and you can add a weighting (to give the Trainer review more value in the overall grade). Click Save once you're done. 
  • Learner: As a learner simply go into the workshop and look for the Assigned submissions to assess section near the bottom of the page. In there will be any submissions you've been assigned to review, which you can do by clicking the Assess button under each submission. Then complete assessment form and then click Save once you're done. 
  • Calculating and amending grades.

During the Grading and evaluation phase you can set how strict the comparison between assessment of a submission has to be (with a stricter comparison meaning the assessments have to be more similar to achieve high marks). You can also override any learner given grades you feel are unfair. 

To override a grade, click on the grade you wish to override and then choose the new grade you wish to give from the dropdown menu for Override grade for assessment, then click Save and close

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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