Configure the catalogue
  • 04 Jan 2024
  • 1 minute to read

Configure the catalogue

Article summary

You can configure how users interact with the catalogue, the way it displays content, and what information it contains.

  1. Go to Learn > Find learning from the top navigation bar.
  2. Click Configure catalogue (in the top-right corner).
  3. Configure the settings. 
  4. Click Save as you move between tabs.  

This page is also available via Quick-access menu > Courses > Configure catalogue.

Adding summary information and files

You can configure the catalogue to allow you to add summary information and files to courses, programs and certifications by following these steps:

  1. Go to Learn > Find learning from the top navigation bar.
  2. Click Configure catalogue (in the top-right corner).
  3. Select the General tab.
  4. Ensure that the Details content setting is enabled, then click Save.
  5. Select the Templates tab.
  6. Enable Rich text content in the Detail content placeholders section, then click Save.
  7. Select the Details tab.
  8. In the Rich text content section, select Summary from the dropdown menu for each of the learning options as required.
  9. Navigate to the course, program or certification for which you want to add summary text or files.
  10. Select Edit settings, then select the Mobile-friendly format for the course summary.
  11. You can now drag and drop course summary files into the Course summary files field, or by selecting the link icon (link) in the text editor.

The text and file(s) will now appear in the summary panel when selecting the content item in the catalogue.

You may need to allow PDF files to be uploaded to the course summary. To do this, navigate to Quick-access menu > Courses and categories > Course settings and add PDF to the Course summary files extensions field.

Next steps

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using the Catalogue in Totara. Here you can learn more on how to use the catalogue, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us at Alternatively, book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

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