List of email notifications
  • 05 Jul 2023
  • 3 minutes to read

List of email notifications

Article summary

The following are the standard messages that can be sent out by email - these can be disabled using message output settings.

Output name


Assignment notifications

Sent when an assignment has been submitted.

Totara Learn only.



Feedback notifications

Sent as part of a feedback activity in a course.

Totara Learn only.

Trainer, Feedback administrator.

Feedback reminder

Sent as part of a feedback activity in a course.

Totara Learn only.

Learner feedback activity non-responders.


Subscribed forum posts

Sent when a new post is created in a forum to which the user is subscribed.

Totara Learn only.

Anyone subscribed to a forum.

Subscribed forum digests

Totara Learn only.

Anyone subscribed to a forum.


Lesson essay graded notification

Sent when a user's lesson essay is graded by a Trainer.

Totara Learn only.


Performance activity

Performance activity notifications

Totara Perform only.

See Performance activity notifications for information on using the new notification system.

Performance activity participants.

Performance activity reminders

Totara Perform only.

Performance activity participants.


Notification of quiz submissions

Message that a Learner has submitted a quiz.

Totara Learn only.


Confirmation of your own quiz submissions

Notice your quiz was successfully submitted.

Totara Learn only.


Warning when your quiz attempt becomes overdue

Time limit for quiz has been reached.

Totara Learn only.



Notices about minor problems

Notice a minor error has occurred.

Site Administrators.

Important errors with the site

Notice a major error has occurred.

Site Administrators.

Available update notifications

Notice of new releases of Totara code.

Site Administrators.

Backup notifications

Automated backup schedule run completed.

Site Administrators.

Course creation request notification

Notice a course has been requested.

Totara Learn only.

Defined in Quick-access menu > Courses > Course request > Course request notification.

Course creation request approval notification

Notice a requested course has been approved.

Totara Learn only.

Defined in Quick-access menu > Courses > Course request > Course request notification.

Course creation request rejection notification

Notice a requested course has been rejected.

Totara Learn only.

Defined in Quick-access menu > Courses > Course request > Course request notification.

Badge recipient notifications

Notice that badge has been awarded.

User who is awarded a badge.

Badge creator notifications

Notify creator of a badge when it is awarded to someone.

User who created the badge.

Comment posted on a learning plan

Totara Learn only.

Learning plan subject.

Comment posted on a competency

Totara Learn only.

Learner and manager.


New items added to workspace library

Sent when a user adds a new content item (e.g. resources or playlists) to the workspace library.

Totara Engage only.

Workspace owner.

Member request accepted

Sent to the user when their request to join the workspace is accepted.

Totara Engage only.

User requesting to join a workspace.

Comments on discussion posts

Sent to the creator of the discussion post when another user comments on it.

Totara Engage only.

Discussion creator.

Request to join private workspace

Sent to the workspace owner when a user requests to join the workspace.

Totara Engage only.

Workspace owner.

User has been added to a workspace

Sent to users when they are added to a workspace by the workspace owner.

Totara Engage only.

Workspace users.

Workspace ownership has been transferred

Sent to the new workspace owner when workspace ownership is transferred.

Totara Engage only.

New workspace owner.


Survey votes

Sent to the creator of a survey when users vote on the survey.

Totara Engage only.

Survey creator.

Manual enrolments

Manual enrolment expiry notifications

Totara Learn only.

Manual enrolees.


PayPal enrolment messages

Totara Learn only.

PayPal enrolees.

Self enrolment

Self enrolment expiry notifications

Totara Learn only.


  • Enroller only
  • Enroller and enrolled user

Inbound message configuration

Message to confirm that an inbound message came from you


Message recipient.

Warning when an inbound message could not be processed


Site Administrators.

Confirmation that a message was successfully processed


Site Administrators.

Event monitor

Notifications of rule subscriptions

Notice of events that have a rule triggered.

Site Administrators.


Sync assigned users finished

Totara Perform only.

Site Administrators.

No longer proficient

Totara Perform only.

The user who has lost proficiency in the competency.

Content marketplace

Content marketplace feature notification

Totara Learn only.

Site Administrators.

Totara core

Notifications on mentions

Sent when the user has been mentioned (tagged) in a comment or post.

Tagged/mentioned user.


Comments on your resources

Sent to the user when another user comments on their resource.

Totara Engage only.

Resource creator.

Replies on your resources

Sent to the user when another user replies to a comment on their resource.

Totara Engage only.

Resource creator.

New items shared with you

Sent to the user when a new Totara Engage content item (e.g. a resource or playlist) is shared with them.

Totara Engage only.

Authenticated users.

Resource 'likes'

Sent to the creator of a content item when another user likes the content.

Totara Engage only.

Resource creator.

Totara messages

Alert notifications

Appears with the Alerts block.

All users.

Task notifications

Appears with the Tasks block.

All users.


Playlist ratings

Sent when a playlist you have created receives a rating.

Totara Engage only.

Playlist creator.

Comments on your playlists

Sent when another user comments on your playlist.

Totara Engage only.

Playlist creator.

Replies on your playlists

Sent when another user replies to your comment on a playlist.

Totara Engage only.

Playlist creator.

Inappropriate content

Inappropriate content removed

Sent when a Site Administrator removes inappropriate user-created content.

Totara Engage only.

Creator of content that has been removed.


Topic's notification

Totara Engage only.

Site Administrators.

User data management

Manual user data purge finished


Site Administrators.

Export of own user data finished


Site Administrators.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

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