Question response reporting
  • 16 May 2024
  • 3 minutes to read

Question response reporting

Article summary

By going to Performance activity response data from the quick-access menu, you can view and download question response data either for specific users, activities or reporting IDs. You can either view the data as a report in Totara, or download it as a CSV or Excel file.

To protect any sensitive information, only Site Administrators can access performance activity response data by default. If you want users to access this data, you will need to edit the relevant role(s) and assign the Report on a performance activity subject responses capability (mod/perform:report_on_subject_responses).

Alternatively, the mod/perform:report_on_all_subject_responses capability exposes a link to the responses of all users in the Development block of the user profile or via Quick-access menu > Performance activity response data. This capability should therefore only be used for users who need to see site-wide performance data.

If you experience performance issues with the response data reporting, you can instead assign the mod/perform:report_on_staff_responses capability. You can assign this capability to the Authenticated User role to allow managers to report on their teams' performance activities.

Browse records by user

The Browse records by user report allows you to browse and filter all subject users. To see all question responses about a user, you can click the icon of three dots (three_dots(1)), then export and download the data as a CSV or Excel file, or view the data in a report within Totara.

You can view or download all responses from all participants in all activities in which the subject user has a subject instance. Either click the View as report button to see the report in Totara, or click Export and select CSV or Excel from the dropdown list. If you click a user's name in the table, you can then filter or browse all of the subject instances associated with that user which contain responses about them - whether or not they have provided responses themselves. You can click the icon of three dots (three_dots(1)), then export and download all users' answers to that subject instance as a CSV or Excel file, or view the data in a report within Totara.

When exporting all responses using the Export dropdown, any applied filters will affect what is included. If you filter down to fewer records then that is what will be exported.
When viewing response data as a report in Totara, you can click Edit this report in the top-right corner. You can then configure the report as you would with any other embedded report. Note that the report source is not exposed, and you cannot create user reports about this data.

Selecting a user to view their performance data.

By clicking on an individual subject instance from the Activity name column, you can view all answers. This will be presented in a read-only form view layout where you can filter by selecting a particular relationship in the dropdown to see only their responses.

Browse records by content

The Browse records by content tab allows you to view performance data by using either an activity name or a reporting ID:

  • Select activity dropdown menu allows you to select an activity by name
  • Select reporting ID allows you to either select one or more IDs from the dropdown or to type them in

Performance data for a selected performance activity.

Once you have loaded records for the desired content, there are several options available for each question. Click the icon of three dots (three_dots(1)) and select Preview question to view the question as it would have appeared to the respondent. You can also choose to view the responses as a report in Totara, or export them as a CSV or Excel file.

Alternatively, you can view or download all questions for all users based on your content search, e.g. a particular activity or reporting ID(s). Either click the View as report button to see the report in Totara, or click Export and select CSV or Excel from the dropdown list.

When exporting all responses using the Export dropdown, any applied filters will affect what is included. If you filter down to fewer records then that is what will be exported.
When viewing response data as a report in Totara, you can click Edit this report in the top-right corner. You can then configure the report as you would with any other embedded report. Note that the report source is not exposed, and you cannot create user reports about this data. 

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