Repository settings
  • 05 Jul 2023
  • 2 minutes to read

Repository settings

Article summary

Each repository type has configurable settings associated with it. These include both settings frequently found across repositories and unique settings only found for certain types.

Frequent settings


Repository plugin name

You can give the repository a different name if you prefer or leave it blank to use the default name. 

All repository types.

Client ID

With an external repository it is likely you will require a client ID which is obtained from that service's developer portal when you set up Totara there. 

Many external repository types.

Client secret

With an external repository it is likely you will require a client secret (or password) which is obtained from that service's developer portal when you set up Totara there. 

Many external repository types.


Rather than an ID and secret sometimes an external repository will require a key (this could be an API key or a license key). The key can normally be obtained from the external services developer portal. 

Many external repository types e.g. Merlot, Flickr public, YouTube. 

Recent files


Repository plugin name

You can give the repository a different name if you prefer or leave it blank to use the default name. 


Number of recent files

Set the number of recent files you want to display. By default this is 50 files.



See the Dropbox repository page for set-up instructions.


Dropbox API key

You can get your API Key from the Dropbox developers portal. When setting up your key please select Full Dropbox as the Access level.


Dropbox secret

You can get your secret from the Dropbox developers portal whilst setting up your API key.


OAuth 2 redirect URI

This is preset and will be something like

Cache limit

Enter the maximum size of files (in bytes) to be cached on server for Dropbox aliases/shortcuts. Cached files will be served when the source is no longer available. Empty value or zero mean caching of all files regardless of size.



When setting up the EQUELLA repository on the site the following settings are available.


Allows you to add an EQUELLA repository on a course. 


Allows you to add an EQUELLA repository to a specific user. 


File system

There is a lot of setup required to use the file system repository. Please see the Set up a File Transfer Protocol (file system repository) page for more information. 


Allow admins to add a file system repository instance to a course (configurable only by admins)

Allows a Site Administrator to add a File system repository to a course.


Allows a Site Administrator to add a File system repository to a user.


Amazon S3


You can give the repository a different name if you prefer or leave it blank to use the default name. 


Enter the access key obtained from the Amazon S3 developer portal. 


Enter the secret key obtained from the Amazon S3 developer portal. 


Configure the endpoint URL. 




Allows you to add a WebDAV repository to a course. 


Allows you to add a WebDAV repository to a specific user. 


Next steps

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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