Run HR import
  • 03 Sep 2024
  • 1 minute to read

Run HR import

Article summary

Before you can run HR import you will need to configure the general settings, any elements, and sources. After configuring HR import you need to run the import to bring the records into the system.

If you are running HR import through an external database then you will need to ensure that you are successfully connected to the database before running HR import.

If you are using the CSV file method for HR import then you will need to first upload the CSV files and any sources you have before you can run the import. 

  1. Go to Quick-access menu > HR Import > Run HR import
  2. Here you will need to double-check that there are no warnings and address any issues. 
  3. Click Run HR import

The import will then run, and you will see a confirmation message.

Next steps

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