Import grades
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 1 minute to read

Import grades

Article summary

You can import grades from outside the system in one of three ways:

  • CSV files
  • XML file
  • Directly (pasting from a spreadsheet)

Import from CSV files

If you wish to import your grades from a CSV file then follow these steps:

  1. From the course you want to upload them to go to Grade administration > Import > CSV file.
  2. Upload the file and configure the settings
  3. Click Upload grades.

Import from XML file

If you wish to import your grades from a XML file then follow these steps:

  1. From the course you want to upload them to go to Grade administration > Import > XML file.
  2. Upload the file and configure the settings
  3. Click Upload grades.

Pasting from spreadsheet (direct import)

If you wish to import your grades by pasting them directly from a spreadsheet then follow these steps:

  1. From the course you want to upload them to go to Grade administration > Import > Paste from spreadsheet.
  2. Paste the grade data and configure the settings
  3. Click Upload grades.

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Grading, completion, and certificates in Totara Learn. Here you can learn more on how to use these tools, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

Join the Totara Community for more resources to help you get the most out of Totara. You can also book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

© Copyright 2025 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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