Program and certification notification triggers
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 2 minutes to read

Program and certification notification triggers

Article summary

Program notifications

Notifications can be configured to be sent when the following events/triggers relating to programs occur:

Notification trigger eventDescription
Learner assigned in programNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager when they are assigned to a program.
Program completedNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager when they complete a program, or a period of time after.
Program course set completedNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager when they complete a course set in a program, or a period of time after.
Course set due dateNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager before, on, or after the due date of a course set. Notifications are only sent for users who haven't completed the course set.
Program due dateNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager before, on, or after the program's overall due date. Notifications are only sent for users with an outstanding due date, i.e. those who haven't yet completed the program.
New exception reportedNotifications can be triggered to send to Site Administrators when any exceptions are reported for the program assignments.
Learner unassigned from programNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager when they are unassigned from a program.

Certification notifications

Notifications can be configured to be sent when the following events/triggers relating to certifications occur:

Notification trigger eventDescription
Learner assigned in certificationNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager when they are assigned to a certification.
Certification completedNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager when they complete a certification, or a period of time after.
Course set completedNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager when they complete a course set in a certification, or a period of time after.
Course set due dateNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager before, on, or after the due date of a course set. Notifications are only sent for users who haven't completed the course set.
Certification due dateNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager before, on, or after the certification's overall due date. Notifications are only sent for users with an outstanding due date, i.e. those who haven't yet completed the certification.
Certification expiry dateNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager a number of days before the user's certification is set to expire.
Failure to recertifyNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager when the user fails to recertify in the recertification window.
New exception reportedNotifications can be triggered to send to Site Administrators when any exceptions are reported for the certification assignments.
Learner unassigned from certificationNotifications can be triggered to send to a user or their manager when they are unassigned from a certification.
Recertification window open dateNotifications can be triggered to send before the recertification window opens, on the day it reopens, or a period of time after the window opens. These notifications can be used to remind users that they need to recertify.

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