User notes
  • 03 Sep 2024
  • 1 minute to read

User notes

Article summary

The notes feature allows you to add notes about the users in your courses. For example, you could add a note about specific adjustments or accommodations a user has requested so that other Trainers in a course are aware. This feature can be enabled and disabled via Configure features.

You can add notes at three different context levels:

  • Personal: Only you can see the note
  • Course: Other Trainers and Editing Trainers in the course can see the note
  • Site: The note will be visible to Trainers and Editing Trainers in all other courses on the site
The ability to create and view notes is determined by the Manage notes (moodle/notes:manage) and View notes (moodle/notes:view) capabilities.

To add notes for users, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the course containing the users for which you want to add a note.
  2. Select the users for which you want to add a note using the Select checkboxes.
  3. If you wish to add a separate note for each selected user, select Add a new note from the With selected users dropdown. If you want to add the same note for all selected users, instead select Add a common note.
  4. Enter your note in the Content field.
  5. Select personal, course or site from the Context dropdown.
  6. Click Save changes.

To view your notes, go to Participants > Notes in the [course name] block.

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