What is Totara Mobile?
  • 21 Jan 2025
  • 1 minute to read

What is Totara Mobile?

Article summary

The primary reason for creating Totara Mobile was to allow learners to access their learning via an app, in a way that is convenient and optimised for devices with smaller screens. To ensure that the learner experience on mobile is intuitive, a number of features have been reworked for Totara Mobile.

Once users have authenticated and signed in to the app they will arrive on the Your learning page, which acts as the default home page for the app.

From the Current learning page Learners can access their assigned courses, programs and certifications, all optimised for mobile devices. Activities and resources within mobile courses are launched in a custom webview.

Another advantage of a mobile app is that it lets your learners take their learning offline by downloading content such as SCORM packages, which can then be launched in the app's native SCORM player even when not connected to the internet.

Minimum requirements

To use the Totara Mobile app, users will need a mobile device with one of the following operating systems:

  • Android 12 and up
  • iOS 17 and up
Note that your site must be Totara 13 onwards with the Totara Learn flavour enabled to use the Mobile app.

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