Check specific notification logs
  • 02 Sep 2024
  • 1 minute to read

Check specific notification logs

Article summary

Instead of auditing notifications site-wide, you can also check the notification logs at lower context levels. For example, you may want to check the notifications sent for a specific program or seminar activity.

To check the notification logs for specific content, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the functionality with the notifications you want to check, e.g. a specific course via Quick-access menu > Courses and categories.
  2. In the Administration block, select Notifications.
  3. Scroll down and expand a notifiable event to see the notifications for that event.
  4. For the event you want to audit, click the icon of three dots (three_dots(1)), then select View notification logs.
  5. You will then be able to see the Notification events embedded report for the selected event (see Auditing notifications for more information on the different reports available for reviewing notification logs).
  6. Each row represents an event with associated notifications, and you can optionally filter the events if required. In the Actions column, click View to view the Sent notifications report for a given event. Alternatively, you can click View all notification logs in the top-right corner to see the logs for all events.
  7. In the Actions column you can click View to view the Delivery log report for a given notification. Alternatively, you can click View all delivery logs in the top-right corner to see the logs for all events.

To find out more about each of these different reports, see Auditing notifications.

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