Configure program and certification notifications
    • 26 Jan 2023
    • 2 minutes to read

    Configure program and certification notifications

    Article summary

    You can edit or create notifications for an individual program or certification.

    Edit a notification

    1. Go to the program or certification for which you wish to configure notifications. 
    2. Select the Notifications tab.
    3. Use the Enabled toggles to decide which triggers are able to send notifications.
    4. Expand the notification trigger you wish to configure.
    5. Click the three dots (three_dots(1)) alongside the notification you wish to edit.
    6. Click Edit
    7. Complete the settings and add your notification content. For Inherited notifications you will first need to override a specific part of the notification (e.g. the Schedule or Body text) by clicking the toggle next to the setting, then edit the setting as required.
    8. Click Save.

    Now whenever this notification is triggered the new settings will be used.

    Note that only the settings with the override toggle enabled will use the edited content for the individual notification. Any settings that do not have the toggle enabled will instead inherit the content or configuration from the higher context level (e.g. the site level). You can therefore revert a setting back to the default by disabling the toggle for that setting.

    If a notification is changed at a higher context level, only the settings with the toggle disabled will be updated on edited notifications at lower levels (e.g. on an individual program). Any changes made to notifications on individual instances will not be applied elsewhere.

    Create a notification

    1. Go to the program or certification for which you wish to configure notifications. 
    2. Select the Notifications tab.
    3. Click the three dots (three_dots(1)) alongside the trigger for which you wish to create a notification.
    4. Click Create notification. 
    5. Complete the settings and add your notification content. 
    6. Click Save.

    Program and certification messages tab

    Prior to Totara 14, program and certification messages were managed from the Messages tab (when editing a program/certification) rather than the Notifications tab. On a new Totara 17 site the Messages tab will not be available. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Totara (i.e. Totara 13 and earlier), any messages defined within existing programs/certifications will be converted to notifications (as long as they are defined by one of the built-in Notification triggers).

    If required, you can configure this interface to show the Messages tab alongside the new Notifications tab. The Messages tab will appear if either of these conditions are met:

    • The messages tab is defined within config.php: $CFG->show_program_message_tab
    • A custom message type was created in a previous version of Totara. In this case the custom message will be displayed in the Messages tab. A Site Administrator should manually recreate this message in the Notifications tab, potentially requiring additional development work if the message cannot be reproduced using existing notification types.

    The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to Notifications in Totara. Here you can learn more about how to set up and use centralised notifications, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

    Join the Totara Community for more resources to help you get the most out of Totara. You can also book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

    © Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

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